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Camber Loving Stagea

This is just another one of those rides that we wish we had in the states here. As you've probably noyiced, the hottest thing in Japan right now seems to be the extreme camber. Sure, it's been around for decades, but just recently it seems to be blow...
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V-Vision Odyssey RB3

One of our favorite minivans out of Japan is the Odyssey, and the details on this particular one are just sick! Don't get us wrong, we always prefer less over more, but every once in a while we will run upon a car that's been decked out from it's hea...
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Black and Purple….polished!

Just when you thought you've seen it all, you see a car like this. Rocking a super aggressive set of fully polished CCW LM5's and riding real low. Custom widebody all around, with 18×9.5 up front and a stretched 225/40/18 tire along with a 18×12 out ...