An 8 year old Skyler Slade sits in front of the television. Amidst the colorful shows of the 1990’s he is enamored with nothing other than a car commercial. ...
Do you ever find yourself wondering what could've been? I’m not talking about the girl that got away but, what could've been if you had kept a car? Where ...
Driving slammed cars is fun. I can’t quite pinpoint what quality it is that is so intoxicating about street driving your car as it floats just above the asphalt, at times it seems borderline masochistic. Every time you pass a building with larg...
I’m not old. Occasionally I feel old; being one of the oldest of my friends the jokes are commonly tossed around, but technically I’m still young. Yet, I am...
We draw inspiration from every direction when conceptualizing and executing our art form. It may be a car we loved growing up or simply one we passed on th...
Clean. The adjective is thrown around continuously by those in the automotive tuning literati. It’s a positive descriptor, not that all of its slang-derived synonyms begin that way. An awesome car can be “clean,” “nasty,”, “fresh,” “dirty,” or...