Growing up in Europe, I remember the day one of my uncles first pulled up to our driveway in his 1982 Rabbit Pickup. Never did I think Caddy’s would look so good with the right set of wheels and a drop, probably because I was just a little dude at the time though! Ever since that day though, I’ve always had a thing for these cars. Seeing this car, really took me back to that day. This particular one is actually for sale, and the owner Joe tells us that back in the day this truck and one very much like it were owned by the two proprietors of German Auto Service. They used them as daily transport as well as work related tasks. Who would imagine that years later it would end up here on Stance:Nation, and be viewed by thousands upon thousands of visitors that we get on daily basis.

The truck was also repainted and a front lip of some sort was added. Sometime in the mid to late 90’s the two owners decided the trucks were worn out and they both went into storage. One was stored outside in the country and was badly damaged by rust. The other truck (this one) was stored inside and fared much better. Since then, Joe decided to slap some BBS RS’s on & drop the car on air suspension to keep things even more fresh looking. Check out rest of the photos below by clicking Read More.

Credits: Kristopher